New postcards added
22 Jul, 2021,
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- Greetings from...Germany
- Door Dresden, Germany
- 3 Cocktail-postcards: Mojito, Bellini and White Russian
- Centaurea
- Chick-Fieldweed
- Illustrated postcard: Judging Cat
- View card Balderschwang, Germany
- Owl
Why buying a postcard that's not from the place of the motif?
8 Jul, 2021,
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There are people who simply like the motif and don't care about the origin at all but there are also avid collectors who do care.
So what are the reasons to buy a postcard with a picture from e.g. France when it's not bought in France?
- In many countries it's not common to sell postcards. In Egypt, for example, I looked for postcards for a week but couldn't find any - neither in the hotel nor in the adjacent shops. On the penultimate day I finally managed to find a street seller who sold a postcard book for 1€. Since it's not common the sell postcards there, the quality is so-so. Maybe you can imagine how the quality of the postcards were. I don't know where the sellers got them from, but the printing quality of the postcards were so-so, the images were kinda blurry and the postcard is rather like paper than like cardboard.
- In many countries it might be even impossible to find a postcard. So I was lucky enough to find some postcards but it could be worse. I also couldn't have found any, which would be a pity. If you travel somewhere, where people are quite poor and can't afford cameras or where there aren't any printing houses, you may not find a single postcard. Post offices may exist but not postcards, so it's good to have some (backup) postcards in your luggage.
- You can choose the motif beforehand. You don't know what kind of postcards are sold in your destination, so it's more convenient to choose some postcards online from the shop while being at home.
- There's more choice. You can choose from much more postcards than some stores.
- You don't have to go to the location. Maybe there are personal memories of the place, but you don't just get there easily. For example, I met a Brazilian who lived in Berlin when he was a student and who returned to Brazil after completing his studies. He was very happy about his postcard from Berlin! Maybe you just forgot to buy a postcard in the respective place. Then it comes in handy that you can buy a postcard online.
Honestly, I wasn't a prepared postcrosser and I left it to fate whether I find postcards or not. I never thought of taking some backup postcards with me on my travels but as you can see, it's actually a good idea! You can bring some with you and send it from that country.
New postcards
2 Jul, 2021,
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New postcards!
- Door Berlin
- Littleleaf mock-orange
- butterfly
- Sheep in Riesa
- Bee on a rose
- Monument to the Battle of the Nations, Leipzig
- Greetings from Italy
- Cute cow
- Hydrangea watercolor
New postcards
17 Jun, 2021,
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6 postcards were added today:
- 1 snowdrop/Galanthus
- 4 postcards of Leipzig
- 1 postcard from Italy (Sillico)
First postcard delivery and opening of the online shop
14 Jun, 2021,
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Yay! The first 7 postcards have finally arrived! What a great feeling!
To start with, I decided to have a little of everything printed. On the one hand, there are my own illustrations:
- 2 postcards (Black Russian and Cosmopolitan) from the future cocktail-series
- a postcard with a beach motif and an accompanying slogan (Beach Vibes)
- an illustration in manga style (flower girl)
On the other hand, there are my own photographs:
- 2 postcards from beautiful Leipzig (Germany)
- a postcard from my second home Hanoi (Vietnam)
- a postcard with lots of magnolia blossoms
My online shop can now start. I have a lot more motifs that will be added in the next few weeks / months! So please come back again later!